Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing an in-vitro, closed loop\nhemodialysis system as a method to assess drug clearance. Secondarily, this study tested the influence of variables\n(blood flow rate, dialysate flow rate, and type of filter) in the hemodialysis procedure on the clearance of\nvancomycin and gentamicin.\nMethods: An in-vitro, closed loop hemodialysis system was constructed. The vancomycin (30 mg/L) and gentamicin\n(25 mg/L) were added to a simulated blood system (SBS). Four conditions (C1-C4) were tested by defining the filter\n(Polyflux 170H or F180) and the blood and dialysate flow rates (BFR and DFR). All hemodialysis sessions were\n3 hours in length and each condition was completed in duplicate. Dialysate effluent was collected in a 50 gallon\npolyethylene drum. Samples were collected (in duplicate) from the SBS and the dialysate effluent at baseline and at\nthe end of the hemodialysis session. Samples were analyzed for vancomycin and gentamicin with an ultrahigh\nperformance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry method.\nResults: A total of eight 3-hour hemodialysis sessions were conducted. For all tested conditions (C1-C4), vancomycin\nwas undetectable in the SBS at the end of dialysis. However, total vancomycin recovery in the dialysis effluent was\n85�±18%, suggesting that up to 15% may have adsorbed to the dialysis filter or tubing. Gentamicin clearance from\nSBS was >98% in all tested conditions. Average gentamicin recovery in the dialysate effluent was 99�±15%.\nConclusion: Both vancomycin and gentamicin were readily removed by high-flux hemodialysis under all conditions\nstudied. No significant differences in drug clearance were observed between conditions used in this in vitro study.\nThe clinical implications of changing these hemodialysis parameters are unknown.